"Woop Woop!"

- Sarah-Elizabeth Laws ( 👈 thats me! - This here is also me. 👇 )

Frontend developer - in need of a job (nodge, nodge, wink, wink)

All around decent human being that is madly in love with coding! Learned to code fullstack with JS & PHP at 17 and it was love at first type. My first tattoo was even a PHP string (including syntax error obviously 😶).

Life would have that I ended up working with business development rather than web development though. I kept up my studies on the side and ended up at the Danish Technical University. When studying electrical engineering I worked with VHDL, C, Matlab & Python (not to forget almost all reports should be written in LaTeX, though honestly it was beautiful reports) - and alas I hadn't forsaken my love of coding!

Working directly with hardware, binary data and signal processing was so imensly fun and fascinating. I was obsessed with just how much you could utilize sensors and the feedback regulation. Thinking about the data processing as well as the user interface became second nature. I mean how can you not love coding in all it's forms and uses??

.. rambling aside..

After yet another business development adventure, I got lucky enough to teach frontend web development at Roskilde Technical College. Here I taught all the basics of frontend from HTML, CSS, JS, Tailwind, React etc. to adults of all ages while also mentoring students at Danish Technical University and at Hack your Future.

Now I desperately want to just code for my work after a grueling 16 years of first falling in love.

I simply can't help my self - Lately I'm been diving into the Qwik framework as well as TS. Absolutely fascinated by resumability. I must code I can't be stopped or derailed, never again I say to ye! I will ride of into the sunset on an unicorn if it's the last thing I do.. ahem.. or at least strive to be one at some point maybe. 🦄

A picto programmer unicorn.